This wedding was so very special for me because I have known Justine for about 10 years! Her family lives two doors down from me and Justine's mom, Brenda, and I used to be walking buddies so we spent a lot of time planning the wedding before Justine was even engaged! :)
I love that Nathan and Jensey with
Rootography sent me a few sneak peak photos to share with you all!

Justine and dad, Chris. Such a special moment for a father as he walks his daughter down the aisle.

Strike a pose, sista!

This photo is amazing, love the trees!

How cute is the flower girl!

Justine and Roger with their son, Colton. He is too adorable!

First dance!

I came outside to get Justine and Roger back into the reception and Nathan snapped this photo of me!

We had Pizza and Juicy Juice for the kids and I think Nathan and Jensey drank 10 boxes each so this is me being pissed off that they were drinking so many! :) I LOVE working with these two!